Hello Family & Friends!

Although Colin first contacted Rachel in December of 2009, it took until May of 2010 for the two of them to meet in person.  They met up at Minnehaha Falls where one of Rachel’s friends was having a birthday party.  When Colin arrived, Rachel had just gone off to check out the falls.  By the time she got back to the party, Colin had already started getting to know her friends and had beat them all in an egg race.


After a while at the party, the two decided to take a walk and stumbled upon a place where they could rent a tandem bike to cruise around the park with Oreo running alongside them.  They biked down to a nice spot on the river and hit it off right away.  Rachel knew Colin was interested when he started planning another date – skydiving!

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Since that first day in the park, Colin and Rachel have had an incredible journey.  Literally!  They’ve gone on several road trips and within the first two years had already been to 23 US states and 3 provinces of Canada.  When they aren’t traveling, Rachel and Colin have enjoyed hosting friends and family in what is now officially “their” home.

If you’ve been to their house parties, you may have noticed that they like to intentionally pull people together from the various aspects of their lives and they have been getting absolutely giddy at the idea of finally being able to introduce all of their friends and family to each other together on August 17th at Whitewater State Park in southern MN. .  They really hope you can make it!

If you haven’t already, please head over to the RSVP page on the top left to let them know if they can expect to see you!



