Category: Cambodia

  • Kampot

    From Phnom Penh, we took a karaoke bus down to southern Cambodia to the coastal town of Kampot.  The karaoke was a screen at the front and a man swapping out discs of Cambodian pop songs with corny 70’s style music videos.  It was humorous at first, but by the end of the ride, we…

  • Phnom Penh

    We arrived in Phnom Penh after our first ride on a “hotel bus” – a bus with beds instead of seats so you can lie down flat and if you’re under 5’ 3” even stretch out.  Compared to the vans and busses we had been taking, this was luxury!  We were both able to get…

  • Siem Reap, Cambodia

    At our hotel in Railay we had to pay for internet separately.  We rushed to buy our tickets to Cambodia before running out of minutes and running out to climb.  We found that the cheapest place to fly into Cambodia was Phnom Penh, the capitol, but it had an overnight layover in Singapore.  As we’ve…