Category: Philippines

  • Rachel’s Birthday

    This post was written 2/5 in Manila and posted 2/6 in Singapore. Rachel’s birthday came while we were still up in Banaue.  At this point, we had spent more of our Pesos than anticipated and since we had read that there were no money changers or ATMs there we were on severe ration mode.  We…

  • Banaue & Batad

    Written on Feb. 3rd, 2014 We left Manila 10MPM Saturday night to take the overnight bus North to Banaue.  The seats were probably perfectly sized for Asian bodies but were a bit snug for us.  The bus was a somewhat standard coach style bus but had an additional row of flip out seats in the…

  • Manila

    We have spent this week in Manila and have just purchased our tickets to move on from here.  We spent a couple more days than we otherwise would have planned in order to take in the Chinese New Year here where there is a very large Chinese-Filipino population.  Before we move on, we thought we’d…