Category: Uncategorized

  • Singapore

    Singapore was quite literally a breath of fresh air. After the exhaust fumes of the Philippines, we were very happy to have cleaner air to breathe and it was an added perk to have tap water that was safe for us to drink.     Singapore is an interesting port city.  It has very distinct…

  • Banaue & Batad

    Written on Feb. 3rd, 2014 We left Manila 10MPM Saturday night to take the overnight bus North to Banaue.  The seats were probably perfectly sized for Asian bodies but were a bit snug for us.  The bus was a somewhat standard coach style bus but had an additional row of flip out seats in the…

  • Over the Pacific

    The following post was written on the flight to Hong Kong then posted from our first hotel in Manila.   As I write this we are passing 36,000 feet over Tokyo Japan and it’s apparently 47 degrees below outside at this altitude.   Makes Minnesota seem balmy.  We’re 10 hours into our 14 hour flight to…

  • Our bags are packed!

    We each got nice new hiking packs (thank you Taften and Thomas!) and they are all packed up and ready to go!  We’ve been breaking in our walking shoes (thank you Absandian, Chris and Brigid!) The passports with our new names arrived late last week which was cutting it a little  close for our comfort,…